import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * A small program that demonstrates JRadionButton with a group * of radio buttons that control the background color of a label. */ public class RadioButtonDemo extends JPanel implements ActionListener { /** * The main routine simply opens a window that shows a RadioButtonDemo panel. */ public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame window = new JFrame("RadioButtonDemo"); RadioButtonDemo content = new RadioButtonDemo(); window.setContentPane(content); window.pack(); window.setResizable(false); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); window.setLocation( (screenSize.width - window.getWidth())/2, (screenSize.height - window.getHeight())/2 ); window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); window.setVisible(true); } /** * The public static class RadioButtonDemo$Applet represents this program * as an applet. The applet's init() method simply sets the content * pane of the applet to be a RadioButtonDemo. To use the applet on * a web page, use code="RadioButtonDemo$Applet.class" as the name of * the class. */ public static class Applet extends JApplet { public void init() { RadioButtonDemo content = new RadioButtonDemo(); setContentPane( content ); } } private JRadioButton redRadio, blueRadio, greenRadio, blackRadio; // the buttons private JLabel label; // Will show the background color specified by // the selected radio button. public RadioButtonDemo() { setLayout( new GridLayout(5,1) ); setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK,1)); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(202,202)); ButtonGroup colorGroup = new ButtonGroup(); // A ButtonGroup is needed to synchronize the radio // buttons so that no more than one of them will // be selected at any given time. Each button will be // added to this group. redRadio = new JRadioButton("Red"); colorGroup.add(redRadio); redRadio.addActionListener(this); add(redRadio); blueRadio = new JRadioButton("Blue"); colorGroup.add(blueRadio); blueRadio.addActionListener(this); add(blueRadio); greenRadio = new JRadioButton("Green"); colorGroup.add(greenRadio); greenRadio.addActionListener(this); add(greenRadio); blackRadio = new JRadioButton("Black"); colorGroup.add(blackRadio); blackRadio.addActionListener(this); add(blackRadio); redRadio.setSelected(true); // Set an initial selection. label = new JLabel("Red is selected", JLabel.CENTER); label.setForeground(Color.white); label.setBackground(; label.setOpaque(true); add(label); } // end init() /** * Respond when the user clicks one of the radion button by * chaning the text and background color of the label. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if ( redRadio.isSelected() ) { label.setBackground(; label.setText("Red is selected"); } else if ( blueRadio.isSelected() ) { label.setBackground(; label.setText("Blue is selected"); } else if ( greenRadio.isSelected() ) { label.setBackground(; label.setText("Green is selected"); } else if ( blackRadio.isSelected() ) { label.setBackground(; label.setText("Black is selected"); } } // end actionPerformed() } // end class RadioButtonDemo