package edu.hws.eck.mdb; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.text.MessageFormat; /** * This class provides some support for Internationalization, making it possible * to easily get a String corresponding to a key in a properties file, using the * method A method is also provided to change the locale. */ public class I18n { /** * The base name for the properties files for this program. The default * properties file name is in the directory edu/hws/eck/mdb. * Property files for other locales would have the form * where xx is the code for the locale. To use this file in another program, * only the propertyFileName has to be changed. */ private final static String propertyFileName = "edu.hws.eck.mdb.strings"; /** * If locale is null, the default locale is used. A non-null value can be * set by calling setLocale() or setLocaleName() to use a non-default locale. */ private static Locale locale; /** * The resource bundle that is created from the properties file. */ private static ResourceBundle translations; /** * Look up a key string in the properties file to find its translation. If no * translation is found or any other error occurs, the key string is returned * unmodified. * @param key the key string. * @param args if the value string associated with the key contains placeholders * {0}, {1}, {2}, ..., then the values of the optional args parameters are substituted * for the placeholders. * @return the value associated to key in the properties files, with placeholders replaced * by args if appropriate; if any error occurs, the key string is returned. */ public static String tr(String key, Object... args) { if (translations == null) loadStrings(); if (translations == null) return key; try { String str = translations.getString(key); return MessageFormat.format(str,args); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } /** * Same as tr(), except that when an error occurs, the return value is null. */ public static String trIfFound(String key, Object... args) { if (translations == null) loadStrings(); if (translations == null) return null; try { String str = translations.getString(key); return MessageFormat.format(str,args); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Specifies a locale to use for translations in future calls to * (This does not, of course, affect any strings that have already been * translated already.) * @param newLocale the locale to use, or null to use the default locale */ public static void setLocale(Locale newLocale) { if ( (locale == null && newLocale != null ) || (locale != null && !locale.equals(newLocale)) ) { locale = newLocale; translations = null; // forces loading of a new resource bundle } } /** * Convenince mthod calls setLocale(new Locale(localeLanguageCode)). * This would be used, for example, as I18n.setLanguage("fr"); * @param localeLanguageCode the two-letter language code for the locale */ public static void setLanguage(String localeLanguageCode) { setLocale(new Locale(localeLanguageCode)); } /** * Used for loading the resource bundle. If it can't be loaded, then * the bundle will be null after this method returns. */ private static void loadStrings() { if (locale != null) { try { translations = ResourceBundle.getBundle(propertyFileName, locale); return; } catch (Exception e) { } } try { translations = ResourceBundle.getBundle(propertyFileName); } catch (Exception e) { translations = null; } } /** * Declaring a private constructor makes sure that no one will be * able to create instances of this class. Everything in this * class is static, so there is no reason to create an I18n object. */ private I18n() { } }