SUBROUTINE DLOAD(F,KSTEP,KINC,TIME,NOEL,NPT,LAYER,KSPT, 1 COORDS,JLTYP,SNAME) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION TIME(2), COORDS (3) CHARACTER*80 SNAME C C-----------a region of length 20 metres is subjected to uniform C unit loading. The ST and FI defines/marks the start C end points of the loaded region. C C ST1R - STart position of Rer tyre of vehicle 1. C FI1R - FInisihing position of Rear tyre of vehicle 1. C ST1F - STart position of Front tyre of vehicle 1 C and so on. 2 is for vehicle 2. C C By adding TIME(1) * multiplied by (RDL-1) allows the C loading to move from the left to the right of the C full span of the road. C C This models a moving load region of length 1 metre. C C THe expression for F can be generalised to specify C a mon-uniform loading across the loaded region. C C write(6,920)TIME(1),TIME(2) C 920 format(1x,'time ',2f15.3) C================================================================ C THe dimensions used are NOT based on REAL roads/vehicles. C C 2 parallel roads are considered. C tyre tracks are 0.3 m wide and are spaced 1 m apart. C Only 2 set of tyres (say front and back pair) are modelled. C C Similarly another 2 set of tyres in the second roadway C is modelled with a time shift. C C This can be extended to model 3 sets of wheels/tyres C and more vehicles. C C To start with the whole length of the tyre tracks C are subjected to non-uniform pressure. C Then ST and FI defines the position of the tyre C (a loaded region of length 1 m) and for this length C the load is set to be uniform. Beyond this region the load is C set to zero. By adding the time into the expression C the region loaded is moved along modelling the C movement of the tyre. C C IROAD = 1 means the first road. IROAD = 2 C is for other road. Remember the subroutine is only C called when the co-ordinates falls on the 4 tyre C strips. The Z co-ordinate is used to check which C tyre strip is referred to in the current call. C C Z = 2.0 to 2.3 road 1 tyre track 1 C Z = 3.3 to 3.6 road 1 tyre track 2 C C Z = 8.6 to 8.9 road 2 tyre track 1 C Z = 9.9 to 10.2 road 2 tyre track 2 C C More vehicles on both roads can be modelled by C working out which position and which region of the track C is loaded at any given time and then adjusting the scale C factor for the time the speed of the movement can be C modelled for each vehicle. C C Use the DIRECT method to give constant increment size in C the step. If using CAE in the STEP module toggle the FIXED C button instead of AUTOMATIC. C C Automatic time stepping should be avoided. C C Since time step = 1. I have used a factor of (RDL-1) * TIME C which takes the moving load right across the length of C 20 metres in the given time of 1 second. Speed of 20 m/s. C C----------------------ROAD LENGTH RDL=20. C C----------------------WHEEL LOADING Vehicle : 1 or 2. F - front R - Rear WLD1F=200. WLD1R=200. WLD2F=200. WLD2R=200. C C----------------------FRONT-REAR WHEEL SPACING WLSP1=5. WLSP2=5. C if(coords(3).gt.2.0.and.coords(3).lt.2.3) then IROAD=1 else if(coords(3).gt.3.3.and.coords(3).lt.3.6) then IROAD=1 else if(coords(3).gt.8.6.and.coords(3).lt.8.9) then IROAD=2 else if(coords(3).gt.9.9.and.coords(3).lt.10.2) then IROAD=2 endif C IF(IROAD.EQ.1) THEN ST1R=0.+TIME(1)*(RDL-1.) FI1R=1.+TIME(1)*(RDL-1.) C ST1F=ST1R+WLSP1 FI1F=FI1R+WLSP1 C ELSE IF(IROAD.EQ.2) THEN ST2R=3.+TIME(1)*(RDL-1.) FI2R=4.+TIME(1)*(RDL-1.) C ST2F=ST2R+WLSP2 FI2F=FI2R+WLSP2 ENDIF C F=0. C C--------------- VEHICLE 1 REAR wheel load IF(COORDS(1).GE.ST1R.AND.COORDS(1).LE.FI1R)THEN F=WLD1R ST=ST1R FI=FI1R C C Note that ST and FI set below are purely for printing C these values out for checking purposes. C C---------------- VEHICLE 1 FRONT wheel load ELSE IF(COORDS(1).GE.ST1F.AND.COORDS(1).LE.FI1F) THEN C C-------------FOR UNIFORM LOADING over the loaded region F=WLD1F ST=ST1F FI=FI1F C C---------------- VEHICLE 2 REAR wheel load ELSE IF(COORDS(1).GE.ST2R.AND.COORDS(1).LE.FI2R)THEN F=WLD2R ST=ST2R FI=FI2R C C--------------- VEHICLE 2 FRONT wheel load ELSE IF(COORDS(1).GE.ST2F.AND.COORDS(1).LE.FI2F) THEN C C-------------FOR UNIFORM LOADING. F=WLD2F ST=ST2F FI=FI2F C C------------ FOR PARABOLIC DISTRIBUTION OVER THE LOADED REGION C WITH A MAXIMUM VALUE OF 1 for the bracketed term. C This expression should be scaled with the wheel load. C C F=((COORDS(1) - ST) * (FI - COORDS(1) / 0.25) C ENDIF C write(6,910)COORDS(1),ST,FI,F C 910 FORMAT(1X,'COORDS(1), ST, FI, F =',4E15.5) C RETURN END