PROGRAM SCALE C C*********************************************************************** C * C Program to scale the co-ordinates by factors fx fy * C and write out a ABAQUS Input file. * C * C*********************************************************************** C c........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.. LOGICAL LNODE,LINST,LSHEL character*1 inf(150),abain*25,abaout*35,c6*6,ans,infn*150 EQUIVALENCE (INF,INFN) C ninf=150 IR5=5 IR7=7 IW8=8 IW9=9 lino=0 abain=' ' KPREV=0 4 print *,'Enter a ABAQUS Input file name (incl .inp)=>' read(ir5,'(a25)',err= 5)abain C goto 6 5 continue C------------Error reading file name print*,'*** Error in Reading File Name. RE-enter ,' goto 4 C 6 continue C do 7 ib=25,1,-1 if(abain(ib:ib).ne.' ') goto 8 7 continue ib=25 C goto 9 8 continue C 9 continue kl=ib kln=kl+3 abaout=abain(1:kl-4)//'new.inp' open(7,file=abain(1:kl)) open(8,file=abaout(1:kln)) open(9,file='aba.dbg') I2D=0 C 10 continue lino=lino+1 read(ir7,'(150a1)',end=800,err=700)(inf(kk),kk=1,ninf) c call last(iw9,inf,il) C----------Key word line or a comment line if(inf(1).eq.'*') then c if(inf(2).eq.'*') then c--------------------comment line write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) else c call last(iw9,inf,il) CALL KEYWD(iw9,C6,INF) call match(c6,icode,il) c write(iw9,890)il,icode 890 format(1x,'... il, icode ',2i6) if(icode.eq.1) then LNODE=.TRUE. LINST=.FALSE. LSHEL=.FALSE. write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) else if(icode.eq.3) then LNODE=.FALSE. LINST=.TRUE. LSHEL=.FALSE. write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) else if(icode.eq.4) then LNODE=.FALSE. LINST=.FALSE. LSHEL=.TRUE. write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) else LNODE=.FALSE. LINST=.FALSE. LSHEL=.FALSE. write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) endif endif else if(LNODE) then c print*,'reading data file. line no.= ',lino c---------------------node statement found if(i2d.eq.0) call findim(ir5,iw9,inf,i2d,ninf,xf,yf,zf) c lstc=0 icmt=0 do 25 i=1,ninf if(inf(i).eq.',') then icmt=icmt+1 inf(i)=' ' else if(lstc.eq.0) then ib=ninf+1-i if(inf(ib).ne.' ') then lstc=ib c print*,'lstc :',lstc endif endif 25 continue c c print*,'lino icmt i2d lstc :',lino,icmt,i2d,lstc if( then inf(lstc+1)=' ' inf(lstc+2)=' ' inf(lstc+3)='0' c infn(lstc+1:lstc+3)=' 0' c print*,'infn :',infn endif write(iw9,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) if(i2d.eq.2) then read(infn,*,err=700,end=800)nodeno,x,y xn=x*xf yn=y*yf KPREV=1 write(iw8,920)nodeno,xn,yn c else if(LNODE) then else read(infn,*,err=700,end=800)nodeno,x,y,z xn=x*xf yn=y*yf zn=z*zf KPREV=1 write(iw8,930)nodeno,xn,yn,zn endif c---------------end of i2d=2 test--------- c else c write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) c goto 10 c endif c s endif else if(LINST) then IF(KPREV.NE.2) THEN read(infn,*,err=700,end=800)x,y,z xn=x*xf yn=y*yf zn=z*zf write(iw8,934)xn,yn,zn 934 format(e16.6,',',e16.6,',',e16.6) KPREV=2 else read(infn,*,err=700,end=800)x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,ang x1n=x1*xf y1n=y1*yf z1n=z1*zf x2n=x2*xf y2n=y2*yf z2n=z2*zf write(iw8,936)x1n,y1n,zn,x2n,y2n,z2n,ang 936 format(e16.6,',',e16.6,',',e16.6,','e16.6,',',e16.6,',', + e16.6,',',e16.6) endif else if(LSHEL) then C read(infn,*,err=700,end=800)t,n tn=t*xf write(iw8,938)tn,n 938 format(F12.3,',',2X,I4) KPREV=0 else write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) endif goto 10 c---------------end of i2d=2 test--------- c else c write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) c goto 10 c endif c--------------end of inf(1)='*' test--- c goto 10 endif goto 10 900 format(150a1) c 920 format(i8,',',e16.6,',',e16.6) 930 format(i8,',',e16.6,',',e16.6,',',e16.6) c 700 continue print*,'**** Errors :, line number :',lino print*,'Line : ',lino, (inf(jj),jj=1,ninf) write(iw8,900)(inf(jk),jk=1,il) goto 10 800 continue print*,'*** End of file reached ***' print*,'Line : ',lino, (inf(jj),jj=1,ninf) print*,' ABAQUS Input file : ',abaout,' has been created.' print*,' ***** Conversion Completed ***** ' stop end subroutine match(nodel,icode,il) C C*********************************************************************** C IF NODE set ICODE = 1 C IF ELEMENT set ICODE = 2 C IF NODE PRINT or NODE FILE and anything else set ICODE = 0 C*********************************************************************** C character nodel*6 c ICODE=0 C C print*,'nodel :',nodel if(nodel(1:6).eq.'NODE P') then icode=0 return else if(nodel(1:6).eq.'NODE F') then icode=0 return else if(nodel(1:6).eq.'NODE O') then icode=0 return else if(nodel(1:4).eq.'NODE') then icode=1 return else if(nodel(1:4).eq.'ELEM') then icode=2 return else if(nodel(1:4).eq.'INST') then icode=3 return else if(nodel(1:4).eq.'SHEL') then icode=4 return endif return end subroutine last(iw9,c,ib) c C*********************************************************************** C C Detect the end of each line. ib - last character postionn. C C*********************************************************************** C character*1 c(150) C do 100 il=1,150 ib=151-il if(c(ib).ne.' ') goto 200 c ik=1 c kNO=ICHAR(C(IB)) c write(iw9,870)ik,il,ib,kNO,C(IB),achar(kno) 870 format(1x,'ik il ib IChar c(ib) ACHAR',3I5,3X,i4,2x,a1,2x,a1) C 100 continue c ik=2 IB=150 KNO=ICHAR(C(IB)) write(iw9,870)ik,il,ib,KNO,C(IB),achar(kno) return 200 continue ik=3 kNO=ICHAR(C(IB)) write(iw9,870)ik,il,ib,kNO,C(IB),achar(kno) return end SUBROUTINE KEYWD(iw9,C6,inf) C C******************************************************************** C C Convert all lower case characters of the into upper case. C C******************************************************************** C C character*1 cl(26),cu(26),ch,C6*6,inf(100) character*1 cu(26),ch,C6*6,inf(150) c data (cl(j),j=1,26)/'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k', c + 'l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'/ data (cu(k),k=1,26)/'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K', + 'L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'/ C C--------------------copy next 6 characters into c6 DO 20 I=1,6 noch=ichar(inf(i+1)) if( then iclno=noch-96 c c6(i:i)=achar(noch-32) c6(I:I)=CU(iclno) else c6(i:i)=inf(i+1) endif 20 continue c write(iw9,890)c6 890 format(1x,'c6 : ',a6) return end subroutine findim(ir5,iw9,inf,i2d,ninf,xf,yf,zf) C C******************************************************************** C C work out the dimension and read scale factors C C******************************************************************** C character*1 inf(ninf) c do 25 i=1,ninf if(inf(i).eq.',') then i2d=i2d+1 inf(i)=' ' endif 25 continue c if(i2d.eq.2) then print*,'Enter the scale factors for X and Y Co-ords (xf, yf) =>' read(ir5,*)xf,yf write(iw9,950)xf,yf zf=0. 950 format(/1x,'xf =',e15.5,3x,'yf =',e15.5) else c c........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.. print*,'Enter scale factors for X Y Z Co-ords (xf, yf, zf) =>' read(ir5,*)xf,yf,zf write(iw9,960)xf,yf,zf 960 format(/1x,'xf =',e15.5,3x,'yf =',e15.5,3x,'zf =',e15.5) endif return end