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Remote Access of another Terminal in the Linux System (ONLY in terminals in the DPO for the present)

Configuring Remote Desktop

This allows what's on the screen of a Terminal to be viewed and even controlled (dual control) by someone sitting at a different terminal using the same system.

Possible uses :

This is by invitation by the first user and controlled using a temporary password generated for that session. The Host ID (IP address) of the terminal of the first user is at (to identify it) and the temporary password are passed to the second user who is allowed to view the terminal.

What needs to be done

LOGIN to system and click on Computer and click on Applications. Then click on More Applications. Under the System category there are 2 icons labelled Krdc (Remote Desktop Control) and Krfb (Desktop Sharing)

Use the Filter command available by typing Desktop and this will display the following icons :

Click on the Krfb icon which displays the following form :

There are 2 options :

Therefore follow the Option 1 and ignore Option 2 Which is left in for sake of completeness.

Use the option Create Personal Invitation and pass the Host Id and the Password which appears in the new window to the second user. This is done as follows :

Click on the Create Personal Invitation button and this will display the following form :

The window with the header "Personal Invitation" displays the Host the user's terminal ID (IP address) and the password needed to view the desktop.

Make a note of the Host ID and password and then email it to the second user. Preferrable to use cut and paste to avoid typing mistakes.

Then click on Close button.

In the second method click on Invite by Email button which displays the following warning message.

Click on the button marked Continue.

This lands the user in a standard email template which includes the Host ID and the password and instructions which explains how to access the first user's terminal.

The first user then enters the recipient's user's id in the box marked To. This is the same as addressing any email. The email is ready for sending. Click on Message from the top line and select send mail

****** This option was not working when it was tested ******* As it is not possible to send any email from this system ****

The email is sent to the second user.

Action by the second user

The second user follows a similar action to get to the More Applications page. The second user uses the second of the "pair" of icons (the Remote Desktop one). Clicks on the Krdc icon and this displays the following dialogue box :

Entering the Host Id in the box marked Remote desktop and then click on Connect. Choose the appropriate display setting and click on OK in the following form.

The system tries to authenticate the remote access by while displaying the following dialogue box.

Action by First User to permit Remote Access

While the above form is on display the system displays the following form on the first user's terminal. The Remote System displays The Terminal ID where the user is at who is trying Remote view.

This is the point of no return and the 1st user can change his/her mind about allowing remote access/view by clicking on the button marked Deny Access.

However if allowing permission then the the user needs to decide on what control to give the 2nd user.

At this stage the first user can decide to allow the second user only permission to VIEW the terminal or give BOTH Keyboard and mouse control.

If it is the first option the box marked

Allow remote user to control keyboard and mouse.

should be unchecked (empty square). Otherwise this box must be checked which makes it display an X (confusingly).

Then click on the box marked Accept Connection.

When this permission is given by the first user the second user is prompted for the password provided by the 1st user.

If the password was correctly typed the remote view should be in view in a window with the header :

Remote Display < Host Id > . Depending on the permission given both cursors will be on display and the operation can be controlled by one or both users.

Otherwise the following message appears and there is no possibility of remote view.

Termination of Access

The access is terminated by the remote user by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner of this Remote Display window and closing it (As one would do with any window).

At this point the connection is closed and control is passed back to the first user.

© Cambridge University Engineering Dept
Information provided by Arul M Britto
Last updated: 16 October 2007