Department of Engineering

IT Services

Your computer passwords

You'll be using several passwords while you're here. They're used for different purposes and administered by various bodies (often not the Engineering Department). You need to look after them - see the Password security page for details.

This page lists some passwords, tells you what they're for, and what to do if you forget them.

The University Information Services' Changing/Choosing Your Passwords page might be useful in helping choose a secure password.

Passwords managed by central University Information Services

The central University Information Services not CUED, run several services which use centrally managed passwords. Historically the passwords were separate but they are now linked, and if you change one it changes all of the linked passwords. If you have a unified password it is referred to as a UIS Password. The services available via your UIS Password (or by separate passwords, if you were here before February 2014) are:

  • RAVEN - needed to access certain web pages at Cambridge University, and also to use/setup wifi. You can used it for hermes e-mail too, if you use the webmail facility. See the How do I get a Raven password? page for password details.
  • hermes - used to access university mail service (though you can use your Raven password instead from the webmail facility).
  • Desktop Services - Managed Cluster Service. It gives access to various college and department clusters of PC and Mac machines. See the Desktop Services accounts, passwords and security page for password details.

The University Information Services (Academic & Infrastructure) password page gives more information about these passwords and how to change them.

If you have forgotten your UIS, hermes, RAVEN or Desktop Services password, you can get it reset by:

  • Going in person to one of the University Information Services service desks in the Roger Needham Buidling at West Cambridge.
  • Contacting the Engineering Department Helpdesk: the Helpdesk staff have been authorised by the University Information Services to reset UIS passwords for Engineering Department staff, visitors and postgraduate students (but not undergraduates). Note: undergraduates may be able to get their UIS password reset in college.
  • If it is not possible to visit the UIS in person you can email or phone (3)34680 to see what alternatives can be arranged.

Passwords managed within the Engineering Department

  • Central Engineering Department password - used to access central Engineering department computers and files on the main Engineering file store. Sometimes called the "teaching system" password, but covers some other systems too, including whoch allows access to Departmental systems from outside the department . You can type passwd on the teaching system to change your password. If you've forgotten your password, see the helpdesk (near the DPO, main building, 1st floor), bringing photographic proof of identity. See our Setting a New Login Password page for further information
  • Research systems - some research systems use same password as the central Engineering Department systems, but others are run independently: you will need to contract the local Divisional IT staff if you need to change a password on an independent research system.

Other University passwords

  • UFS password - used by those submitting and processing orders to access the University Finance System. It's run by the University's central Management Information Systems Division not CUED. See their Password Problems page for password details.
  • eduroam password - a password that gives you WiFi access in Cambridge, and access to various facilities elsewhere - see eduroam for Cambridge users password. The service is run by the university, not CUED.