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Special characters

\dag is created by \dag, \ddag by \ddag, § by \S, ¶ by \P, £ by \pounds, ö by \"{o}, © by \copyright. Many others are available in the math environment, including all the lower case greek letters and most of the upper case ones. If you only want to use a few characters you can bracket the symbols using $ and $ rather than \begin{math} and \end{math}. You can put a slash through any of these characters by prefacing them with \not

$\sqrt{i} $ \sqrt{i} $\sqrt[5]{x+iy} $ \sqrt[5]{x+iy} $\ldots $ \ldots
$\cdots $ \cdots $\vdots$ \vdots $\ddots$ \ddots
$\alpha$ \alpha $\beta$ \beta $\gamma$ \gamma
$\delta$ \delta $\omega$ \omega $\Gamma$ \Gamma
$\Theta$ \Theta $\Omega$ \Omega $\pm$ \pm
$\mp$ \mp $\times$ \times $\div$ \div
$\ast$ \ast $\star$ \star $\circ$ \circ
$\bullet$ \bullet $\cdot$ \cdot $\cap$ \cap
$\bigcap$ \bigcap $\cup$ \cup $\bigcup$ \bigcup
$\uplus$ \uplus $\biguplus$ \biguplus $\sqcap$ \sqcap
$\sqcup$ \sqcup $\bigsqcup$ \bigsqcup $\vee$ \vee
$\bigvee$ \bigvee $\wedge$ \wedge $\bigwedge$ \bigwedge
$\setminus$ \setminus $\wr$ \wr $\diamond$ \diamond
$\bigtriangleup$ \bigtriangleup $\bigtriangledown$ \bigtriangledown $\triangleleft$ \triangleleft
$\triangleright$ \triangleright $\oplus$ \oplus    
$\bigoplus$ \bigoplus $\ominus$ \ominus $\otimes$ \otimes
$\bigotimes$ \bigotimes $\oslash$ \oslash $\odot$ \odot
$\bigodot$ \bigodot $\bigcirc$ \bigcirc $\amalg$ \amalg
$\leq$ \leq $\prec$ \prec $\preceq$ \preceq
$\ll$ \ll $\subset$ \subset $\subseteq$ \subseteq
$\in$ \in $\vdash$ \vdash    
$\geq$ \geq $\succ$ \succ $\succeq$ \succeq
$\gg$ \gg $\supset$ \supset $\supseteq$ \supseteq
$\sqsupseteq$ \sqsupseteq $\ni$ \ni $\dashv$ \dashv
$\equiv$ \equiv $\sim$ \sim $\simeq$ \simeq
$\asymp$ \asymp $\approx$ \approx $\cong$ \cong
$\neq$ \neq $\doteq$ \doteq $\propto$ \propto
$\models$ \models $\perp$ \perp $\mid$ \mid
$\parallel$ \parallel $\bowtie$ \bowtie $\smile$ \smile
$\frown$ \frown $\leftarrow$ \leftarrow $\Leftarrow$ \Leftarrow
$\rightarrow$ \rightarrow $\Rightarrow$ \Rightarrow $\leftrightarrow$ \leftrightarrow
$\Leftrightarrow$ \Leftrightarrow $\mapsto$ \mapsto $\hookleftarrow$ \hookleftarrow
$\leftharpoonup$ \leftharpoonup $\leftharpoondown$ \leftharpoondown $\rightleftharpoons$ \rightleftharpoons
$\longleftarrow$ \longleftarrow $\Longleftarrow$ \Longleftarrow $\longrightarrow$ \longrightarrow
$\Longrightarrow$ \Longrightarrow $\longleftrightarrow$ \longleftrightarrow $\Longleftrightarrow$ \Longleftrightarrow
$\longmapsto$ \longmapsto $\hookrightarrow$ \hookrightarrow $\rightharpoonup$ \rightharpoonup
$\rightharpoondown$ \rightharpoondown $\uparrow$ \uparrow $\Uparrow$ \Uparrow
$\downarrow$ \downarrow $\Downarrow$ \Downarrow $\updownarrow$ \updownarrow
$\nearrow$ \nearrow $\searrow$ \searrow $\swarrow$ \swarrow
$\nwarrow$ \nwarrow $\aleph$ \aleph $\hbar$ \hbar
$\imath$ \imath $\jmath$ \jmath $\ell$ \ell
$\wp$ \wp $\Re$ \Re $\Im$ \Im
$\prime$ \prime $\empty$ \empty $\nabla$ \nabla
$\surd$ \surd $\top$ \top $\bot$ \bot
$\Vert$ \| $\angle$ \angle $\forall$ \forall
$\exists$ \exists $\neg$ \neg $\flat$ \flat
$\natural$ \natural $\sharp$ \sharp $\backslash$ \backslash
$\partial$ \partial $\infty$ \infty $\triangle$ \triangle
$\clubsuit$ \clubsuit $\diamondsuit$ \diamondsuit $\heartsuit$ \heartsuit
$\spadesuit$ \spadesuit $\sum$ \sum $\prod$ \prod
$\coprod$ \coprod $\int$ \int $\oint$ \oint

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© Cambridge University Engineering Dept
Information provided by Tim Love