Department of Engineering

IT Services

Matlab - NaN and Inf


If in matlab you type 1/0 you'll get

  Warning: Divide by zero.
  (Type "warning off MATLAB:divideByZero" to suppress this warning.)

  ans =

which is fair enough - it's potentially useful to for 1/0 to result in infinity. If you type 0/0 you'll get

  Warning: Divide by zero.
  (Type "warning off MATLAB:divideByZero" to suppress this warning.)

  ans =

NaN means "Not a Number" - i.e. the result is undefined. Both these special values behave in predictable ways. Any mathematical operation involving a NaN results in a NaN. And not surprisingly, most mathematical operation involving Inf result in Inf - Inf/0 and Inf^2 produce Inf. But Inf/Inf is NaN. So is Inf-Inf. isnan and isinf can be use to detect these special values. E.g.

  if (any(isnan(m)))
    disp('NaN values in m')
  if (any(isinf(m)))
    disp('Inf values in m')

Note that

  • NaN==NaN is false - you need to use isnan to check if a value is NaN
  • NaN~=NaN is true - NaN isn't a value so it can't be equal to anything
  • Inf==Inf is true
  • Inf~=Inf is false

To remove NaN and Inf elements from a vector m you can use


To replace the NaNs by 0s you can use



NaNs are ignored when plotting (so are Infs). This is useful if you want to make holes in surfaces

  z = peaks(20); 
  z(4:8,4:8) = NaN*z(4:8,4:8);